Do philosophers make money

Do philosophers make money

Author: yyx On: 03.07.2017

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do philosophers make money

How do Philosophers make money? How did they do in the past? There is a few jobs that require a degree in philosophy. Most of them is professors in philosophy or other teaching positions.

However some companies and governments do hire philosophers to help them make decisions. Philosophy is a mostly a useful trait in most jobs, especially scientific. A professor in philosophy is often teaching philosophy in the other faculties. This is also how they made money in the past. Philosophy is the foundation of schools and science so they would make good money by teaching.

Technically all university students are philosophers but only a few of them have specialized in it and have a degree in philosophy. Some of them will be found by real industries I know a philosopher working on the acceptance of technological progress who is founded by the nuclear industry.

How do Philosophers make money? | Yahoo Answers

Culture, like working in museum or library it's not a philosopher job anymore but will pays a philosopher rent and food. Superstar that write popular books and are seen on the TV one or two per generation per country.

Lets make a distinction between Philosophers - people who DO philosophy for a living - and philosophy students - people who use the general tenets gained by in-depth study of philosophy in their day-to-day jobs. Philosophers, those who do, tend to be employed in very limited fields, traditionally academia.

These are university professors and authors. They make their money by teaching others philosophy in classes and through media books, videos, whatever. I fall into the latter category. I use my background in philosophy in the workplace. This is what typically happens if someone does their undergrad in philosophy and gets a decent job. I "sell" skills like inductive and deductive reasoning, rational inquiry, the interpretation of complex material into simple terms, and excellent oral and written communication into a position I am interested in I work in organizational development.

Because I sell these things, plus experience, I can do philosophers make money a job that provides. That is how I, and many others, make money from philosophy. By no stretch of the imagination are we Philosophers other than the shade-tree sort.

Do philosophers make money, if you are interested in pursuing the degree, know that it is possible to live in the US, pretty well if you market it well. Many use philosophy to pursue advanced degrees or positions in Law my friend JoyEconomics my friend SaraBusiness my buddy Nateor Industrial and Organizational Psychology me and two others from my grad school cohort.

Back in the day: It depends on how far we go back. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and company survived because of two reasons.

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First, ancient Deletion in binary search tree source code had a slave culture allowing for significantly larger amounts of free time to engage in activities like "thinking really hard about stuff. Marcus Aurelius, not the founder of Stoicism, but certainly one of its greatest voices, was a General and, later, Emperor; that's how he made his living.

Thomas Aquinas was a the stock market concord of the catholic clergy, as was Augustine.

do philosophers make money

Descartes tutored the Queen of Sweden. John Locke was aristocracy and funded himself variously through positions gained with his connections to the wealthy elite of Europe. And so-on, and so-forth.

I will always remember the opening words in my freshmen "Intro to Philosophy" text: Philosophia non panem torrit. Philosophy bakes no bread. Philosophers, today and throughout history make very little from doing actual philosophy and very much from applying to something whether it 1987 stock market crash causes teaching others, solving complex problems, or maintaining an organization.

Philosophial non panem torrit, thats the thought that popped in to my mind i. Thanks for the revealing answer. Philosophers in the past typically were sons of rich businessmen, people who wanted to or were pushed to persue a 'noble' profession. Hence Natural Philosopher was a Scientist back in the day. They were funded by other people, like professors today. People who have the title of philosopher today are practically all professors.

do philosophers make money

Otherwise it can be used as a stepping stone for a further degree. I know a lot of people who were majoring BA in philosophy but planning on going to law school. If you're talking about legitimate, Classical philosophers like Socrates and Aristotle, they charged for their lectures.

Almost all current well off Philosopher's have best selling books to their name. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. By signing up, you agree to our Terms and that you have read our Privacy Policy and Content Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds. Submit a new text post. Before posting Make sure to read the rules. E is for Explain - merely answering a question is not enough. Don't post to argue a point of view.

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How do Philosophers make money? | Yahoo Answers

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