Minimum amount to invest in indian stock market

I am not rich, so I am talking one to two hundred U. I would like to know whether I can buy stock using that little amount of money, and how to do that if possible? As an example, assuming I wanted to buy stock in Walmart, what is the minimum that I would need out-of-pocket? In the case of your Walmart example, the current share price is Remember that the quoted price usually refers to share lots, and your broker may charge you a higher commission or other fees to purchase an odd lot less than shares, usually.

However, I second the comments of others that if you're looking to invest a small amount in the stock market, a low cost mutual fund or ETF, specifically an index fund, is a safer and potentially cheaper option than purchasing individual stocks.

How To Actually Invest Only A Hundred Dollars Per Month notes:. For these investors, keeping costs to a minimum is absolutely crucial. I have often made allusions and references to DRIP Investing, but I have never offered an explanation as to how to logistically set up DRIP accounts.

minimum amount to invest in indian stock market

Today, I will attempt to do that. A second option, Sharebuilderis a broker that will allow for fractional shares. A third option are mutual funds.

Though, these often will have minimums but may be waived in some cases if you sign up with an automatic investment plan. List of mutual fund companies to research. Something else to consider here is what kind of account do you want to have?

There can be accounts for specific purposes like education, e. Many brokers offer a selection of ETFs with no transaction costs.

TD Ameritrade and Schwab both have good offerings. Thank you for your interest in this question.

minimum amount to invest in indian stock market

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Stack Exchange Inbox Reputation and Minimum amount to invest in indian stock market. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Join them; it only takes a minute: Here's how it works: Anybody can ask a question Anybody can answer The best answers are voted up and rise to the top.

How do I make a small investment in the stock market? What is the minimum investment required? Marco 1 2 5. If you already have money in diversified instruments like mutual funds, you can play around with stocks, but otherwise, look for nice, low-fee, no-load index funds that will let you set up an automatic investment plan--that can sometimes get you around minimum initial purchases.

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That little money suggests you buy a mutual fund, preferably a low cost index fund. Try reading this post: A rough estimate of the money you'd need to minimum amount to invest in indian stock market a position in a single stock would be: I say that the equation above gives an approximate minimum because Commissions vary from broker to broker.

If you submit a market order, you get the market pricewhich is whatever price the stock traded at when the broker filled your order.

This may be different from the price you saw a few seconds earlier in Google Finance, Bloomberg, etc. This is especially relevant if you submit an order when the market is closed because the price you see when you submit your order is the closing price from the previous trading day.

Minimum Amount to Invest in Share Market -

The stock futures premarket price of the next trading day which is when your order will be submitted will likely be different from the previous closing price this making money hosting foreign exchange student on several factors.

If you submit a different kind of order, e. In the case of a limit buy order, your order will be submitted at a price no higher, but potentially less, than the price specified in your order. If you start using more complicated orders, there can be more factors involved, e.

That's a minor point, however, because many brokerage firms don't require an account minimum, at least for stocks. Commissions may vary depending on the stock. But if you submit a limit buy order, you won't pay more per share than your limit order price, you sometimes may pay less. I only used that as an example of a "different kind of order from a market order" so I wouldn't have to detail every single possible order a trader could make, which is why I didn't go into specifics for just that type of order.

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Usually, the price per share for odd lots is larger than the price for shares when bought in multiples of shares. JohnBensin I don't think that it is necessary to include that in your answer, but quoted prices usually assume share lots, and so if someone goes to buy 3 shares of a stock at a price that is seen on a ticker tape, the share price is likely to be more.

There are more than a few ideas here. Assuming you are in the U.

minimum amount to invest in indian stock market

How To Actually Invest Only A Hundred Dollars Per Month notes: JB King 9, 1 11 Going this route will maximize diversification while minimizing friction. James Roth 2, 12 TD Ameritrade allows you to purchase hundreds of ETFs with no transaction costs. Since you're investing small amounts, those costs could kill you. The ETF's are good investments; they are diversified baskets of stocks, so you won't get burned if one company performs poorly. It is probably unwise to invest in individual stocks unless you have enough money to diversify.

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